Datenschutz und Registerbeschreibung (EN)
This is the register and data protection policy of the website of the South Karelia Recreation Foundation sr in accordance with the Personal Data Act (Sections 10 and 24) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Last modified on 28.2.2023.1. CONTROLLER
Etelä-Karjalan virkistysaluesäätiö sr Esterinkatu 11 55100 Imatra Y-0835048-62. CONTACT PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REGISTER
Hanna Ollikainen Phone: 040 823 5105 Email: hanna.ollikainen@ekvas.fi3. NAME OF THE REGISTRY
The legal basis for processing personal data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation is- the consent of the individual (documented, freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous)
- a contract to which the data subject is a party
- the performance of a public task (on what basis), or
- a legitimate interest of the controller (e.g. customer relationship, employment relationship, membership).
The data stored in the register may include: company/organisation, e-mail address, telephone number, address, information on ordered services and changes thereto, billing information, other information related to the customer relationship and ordered services. A copy of the messages sent via the web forms will be stored in the website database for future reference. We delete the messages after reading them.6. REGULAR DATA SOURCES
Information that may be stored in the register is obtained from the customer through, for example, messages sent via web forms, email, telephone, social media services, contracts, customer meetings and other situations where the customer discloses their information.7. DATA RETENTION PERIOD
Customer data will only be kept in the register for as long as necessary to process the case.8. REGULAR DISCLOSURES AND TRANSFERS OF DATA OUTSIDE THE EU OR THE ETA
Data is not regularly disclosed to other parties. Data may be published to the extent agreed with the customer. Data may also be transferred outside the EU or EEA by the controller. Personal data will never be disclosed to different parties.9. PRINCIPLES OF REGISTER PROTECTION
The register is processed with due care and the data processed by the information systems are adequately protected. Where the data are stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital security of their hardware shall be adequately ensured. The controller shall ensure that stored data, as well as access rights to servers and other information critical to the security of personal data, are treated confidentially and only by employees whose job description includes this.10. THE RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND THE RIGHT TO REQUEST THAT INFORMATION BE CORRECTED
Every person in the register has the right to check the information stored in the register and to request that any inaccurate or incomplete information be corrected or completed. If a person wishes to check or request a correction of the data recorded about him or her, the request must be sent in writing to the controller (address in section 1. Controller). The controller may, if necessary, ask the person making the request to prove his or her identity. The controller will reply to the customer within the time limit laid down in the EU Data Protection Regulation (as a general rule, within one month).11. OTHER RIGHTS RELATING TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA
A person in the register has the right to request the erasure of personal data concerning him or her from the register („right to be forgotten“). Data subjects also have other rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation, such as the restriction of processing of personal data in certain circumstances. Requests should be sent in writing (address in section 1. Controller) to the controller. The controller may, if necessary, ask the applicant to prove his or her identity. The controller will reply to the customer within the time limits set by the EU Data Protection Regulation (as a general rule, within one month).
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